Disease management guide for Desi layer chicken

Country chicken is very hardy compared to factory farmed broiler or layer chicken. But there are some aspects which must be followed carefully to reduce the mortality.

The litter must be kept dry and stirred regularly to regulate the temperature, humidity levels and ventilation.

Accumulation of carbon dioxide and ammonia clubbed with oxygen depletion is one of the major causes of mortality at the brooding stage due to airtight fittings of curtains. It causes a lot of gas accumulation and suffocation of the chicks. Hence a head space of 3.5 inch must be left between the ceiling and the curtain to ensure air circulation.

Similarly a relative humidity of 65% must be maintained. Care must be taken to prevent the relative humidity from dropping below 50% as it would result in dehydration among the chicks. Spraying disinfected water is one way of maintaining humidity at the optimum level.

Learn more about country chicken farming in India.

 Animal Husbandry  

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